When playing audio after some time, the beginning gets cut off

Basically what the title says.
If I don’t play audio for some time (like 5-10 minutes), it’s like FXSound turns itself off, so when sound starts to play, it takes a moment for it to come back up.

While this happens, a little bit of the beginning gets cut off and starts with a… static or pop, whatever it is. Audio works fine after that (because FXSound is “on” again.)
I disabled “switch to new audio device automatically” or whatever it’s called.

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Hi cookie,
Could you go to fxsound.com to download v1.1.26.0, run the installer, and post back with your results?

I updated to that version before posting this, and it didn’t fix anything. Also, I tried to record it, but it seems that the problem only happens when outputting to the actual speaker.

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Have you read the troubleshooting list at the top?
And does this happen with only one audio device, or with all of them?

I read the troubleshooting, tried it, that didn’t fix it.
I only have one audio device, which is my laptop’s speaker.

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And you have no other audio devices at your disposal to test with?

By the way, same question for playback methods: does this happen on Spotify, on YouTube, and with all media players, e.g. with VLC as well as with WinAmp and Windows Media Player?
I know I have this same glitch where the first few microseconds get cut off, but it only happens on (my version of) VLC.

It happens on any audio device and on any site/program.

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I’ve been using FxSound for many years now, and I’ve never noticed anything like that.
I perfectly understand why it’s annoying.
I am left to guess at the cause of this glitch.
You’ve disabled Exclusive Mode and Enhancements?
You’ve tried running FxSound as Administrator?
And you’ve tried making changes to the frequency settings of your speakers, and of the FxSound Speakers device, in the Advanced tab of the device Properties in Windows Sound Settings, to check if that makes a difference?

let me try what you said
and it is annoying, but negligible
I only came to see if there was a known bug or potential fix, but it’s ok if there isn’t

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I’ll be back… tomorrow, after a good night’s rest.

I’ve noticed this now happens to me on some YouTube videos as well, while it never did before.

I haven’t noticed anything like that and am using FX on both youtube and when am listening to music on musicbee no idea why other people having this issue i guess maybe it’s because i have disable Exclusive Mode and Enhancements.

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