New beta release v1.1.23.0

We have released a new beta version v1.1.23.0 at beta v1.1.23.0

The features available in this release are,

  1. Support for mono playback devices. Mono devices can be selected now, but FxSound does not process mono audio.
  2. Minimize button added to minimize FxSound to taskbar
  3. A preferred device can be selected from settings.
  4. Check for updates in settings, updates to a new version
  5. Croatian and Bosnian language support added.
  6. Translation corrections and improvements in Chinese, Spanish, Russian and German

App crash.
Open and close the settings windows (without changes), press the power button (on/off).
On/Off without open settings - app worked.


Thanks @Dolmatov for testing this version. I have found the root cause for the crash. Will release the update soon.


I have fixed the crashes and released a new version v1.1.24.0 as beta. The link is the same.


Hello Bvijay,

First I would like to tell you that FxSound is one of the best programs that exist for PC. You really do improve the performance of thousands or tens of thousands of PCs around the world, transforming their sound and allowing them to really be “heard.” This is a tremendous contribution for thousands of users around the world. You IMPROVE the performance of thousands of PCs, and this is very valuable. I congratulate you. FxSound is truly a marvel.

Along with the above, I tell you that I am a user who uses FxSound a lot, and it has always helped me a lot. However, I happen to have a problem that is annoying. While when I listen to music or videos, FxSound works perfectly for me, when “sudden” PC notifications sound, these notifications sound cut. I care about the subject, because I use a lot of notifications, because I also use RoboTask a lot to do various things related to my profession, and everything that RoboTask does delivers a notification, and I don’t need to “look” at my PC. Although this may not seem so serious, over the months the cuts become annoying. I have cuts in the notifications that RoboTask triggers and I also have cuts in the notifications that Windows triggers.

I know that other users have reported this same thing (audio cuts), and I have also already applied all the possible solutions that you yourself provide for possible problems with FxSound. I’ve already applied all the possible fixes, in the sound settings, process priorities, I’ve already run LatencyMon, etc., etc. Outages only happen to me when I have FxSound enabled. When I disable FxSound as a sound device, notification cuts stop happening altogether. That is, the problem occurs only when I have FxSound enabled as a sound device.

I also have several settings applied regarding the selection of presets and the configuration file FxSound.settings, so I don’t dare to install this new version. With my executables, I directly change the FxSound.settings file, and then open the program. This way I make sure that in the opening I always have the preset I need, and if I am going to listen to music, I alter the sound less, and if I need to only listen with the speakers of the PC, I generate more reinforcements to make it sound louder.

Then I would like to ask you the following:

  1. Does this new version, 1.1.24, work the same as the previous version in terms of its configuration through the FxSound.settings? Wouldn’t I have problems changing my version? What could I have problems with?
  2. Is it possible that the cuts in the notification sounds will be fixed with this new version?
  3. Would it be possible for you to release for example a version 1.1.25, which could solve these problems of notification outages? I would truly become the most loyal user in the world if they did!

In any case, I congratulate you for developing FxSound, which is a spectacular software.

Thank you very much in advance

Best regards
José Manuel


Hi José,
Thank you for your encouragement. FxSound being appreciated a large community gives us the motivation to keep improving FxSound.

Sorry for the trouble you are facing with the notification sounds. I understand how annoying it can be to keep hearing unwanted alerts.

In this new version I have removed some of the notifications on audio device changes which were repeating. We have tested this version and it quite stable now. The user settings are not overwritten when you update FxSound. Still, to be save you can backup the settings by taking a copy of the settings file located at %APPDATA%\FxSound\FxSound.settings and then install the new version.


Dear Vijayakumar,

Thank you very much for your response and thank you for these updates.

I installed version 1.1.24 and everything works fine, except that when connecting different sound output devices, this new version does not correctly make the change automatically as before. I mean connecting different Bluetooth speakers for example. In these cases this new version 1.1.24 does not correctly change the output sound device.

Due to the above, I returned to version 1.1.22 which does automatically change the sound output devices, as it always has.

Because of the above, I wanted to see if you could make this fix in the new version, so that the new FxSound changes the device automatically like before.

Thank you very much in advance


And in addition to the above, I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to include an improvement, which is that there could be a preset defined for each sound device that one connects. That is, if the output device changes, the preset that I had previously defined for that sound device will automatically change.

This would be an improvement, but what I told you earlier about automatically changing the output device as before would be a correction.

Thank you so much


@bvijay Thanks for the new update, especially preferred device is a nice addition to me, I will try to check it out soon!

@JMS I fully agree with your statements and maybe I can shine a little bit of light on this situation.

Ever since I’ve upgraded to a new computer, the new motherboard makes use of an internal USB 2.0 connection to provide analog audio through the Realtek onboard chip.

The complaints I’ve however heard about this ‘USB connection’ instead of the old fashioned way of connecting onboard audio chips is that with sudden sounds like notifications the first part of the notification may be missed, as the USB-audio device has to ‘wake up’ from a silent state.

It may very well be a similar issue in this case with your notifications only partially coming through.

Ironically however in my case I think that issue was solved by actually installing FxSound so I no longer had those sound-cuts, I have however not been using the computer without FxSound since so I’m not sure if it still happens for me.

What I do notice however is that the volume control of windows without FxSound (so Realtek analog output selected) is more ‘stuttery’ when changing the volume, this is not the case when changing the volume on FxSound audio device. That was not the case with Realtek on my old motherboard that used the old fashioned way. (ALC892 vs ALC4082)

Some background information about this here:

The only part is that it shouldn’t be cutting out if audio is already actively playing.

I wonder actually if Latencymon is still very accurate under Windows 10/11 because I remember in DPC Latency Checker under Windows 7 my values were way way lower, probably like 2-digits below ~50 ”s while Windows 10 on a newer system just consistently reports ~995 ”s which is probably due to under the hood changes in Windows 10/11.

Anyway hope it brings up some other ideas and insight, maybe it does not solve your issue but it might shine some light for others.


Hi José,
In version we have added a setting to select a preferred device. But, if a preferred device is selected, then audio will not switch to a new output device which is connected. The features to automatically select the output and preferred output device are mutually exclusive. Can you please check if the option “Automatically switch to newly connected output device” is selected in settings.

Thank you for suggesting the improvement on preset selection for the device. This is one of the feature improvements we are tracking in GitHub as well Adding an Auto-Switch option for Presets and/or Playback Devices · Issue #9 · fxsound2/fxsound-app (


Dear Vijayakumar,

Thank you very much for your answer. I managed to understand what the problem is.

You’re right. By having this option checked that you mention, the automatic change of the device occurs. However, I was still having problems, and I finally understood the cause. I’ll tell you about it below:

If you have FxSound open and you change the device, FxSound will successfully change the device, that’s fine. The problem arises when you have the device connected before, and after you open the FxSound program. This case occurs for example when you start Windows with your device connected, and then FxSound opens later with Windows startup.

In this case, problems occur such as setting the monophonic output that is not powered by FxSound as the output, instead of the stereo output of the connected speaker, or simply not recognizing the connected device as output.

To reiterate the explanation, the problem occurs when the FxSound program is opened with the device already connected from before (e.g. a Bluetooth device).

This issue did not occur in version 1.1.22. In this version, if you opened FxSound with the device already connected before, the device was perfectly recognized.

If you like, what should be corrected in version 1.1.24 would be that when opening the FxSound program with a device connected from before (for example Bluetooth), FxSound correctly recognizes the processed stereo output of the connected device, just as it did in version 1.1.22.

Here are the screens that show the above:

Thank you very much in advance


Hello José,
Thank you for sharing all the details of the issue you are facing with the release It has helped to quickly isolate the root cause of the problem.
There were several complaints from people who use mono devices for their calls that they have to exit FxSound to use mono devices for their calls. In order to fix that, we added support for mono devices without allowing audio processing of mono audio.
But when automatically detecting the connected audio devices, if mono device is present in the list before stereo device, the mono device is getting selected as you have reported.
I will work on the fix and skip mono devices in automatic selection. You can expect a new release with the fix in a couple days this week.


Perfect, it’s a pleasure to help FxSound grow.

Please let me know to try it out.

Thank you very much!


Thank you José for testing the beta release and finding the issues.
I have updated the beta release to version with the fix for mono device selection. Please install and try this version.


Dear Vijayakuma:

The results of the tests I did for version 1.1.25 are as follows:

  1. When connecting different Bluetooth devices, the Stereo versions in FxSound are automatically selected, but it is shown without processing by FxSound (of the Stereo versions). Below are screenshots of the Stereo version being shown without processing or equalization. When switching to the mono version, this version is shown with processing and EQ by FxSound, which is contradictory, because it should be the other way around. Similarly, when listening to the mono version equalized by FxSound, it sounds as if it were the Stereo version. They seem to be upside down or something. Below are the screenshots.
  2. With one of the 3 Bluetooth speakers I have (Voombox), when I connected it, it automatically selected its Stereo version with FxSound processing and EQ as seen in the screens below, but when listening to it, I heard the audio on my built-in Realtek speakers of the Notebook, and it was not heard through the Voombox speaker as shown in FxSound. Below are the screenshots.
  3. When opening the FxSound app with any Bluetooth speaker connected from before, FxSound opens not recognizing the respective Bluetooth speaker that was connected before, but always displays the Realtek speakers integrated with the notebook. This was the problem I had written to you about, that is, when you start the PC with the Bluetooth speaker connected from the beginning, and then FxSound opens, FxSound does not automatically recognize the bluetooth speaker connected from before. Below are the screenshots.

Then I reinstalled version 1.1.22 and none of the above 3 issues occur. I verified that in version 1.1.22 the Bluetooth device that is connected is automatically selected, processing its Stereo version. In 1.1.22 the audio is processed and sent to the device shown in the application, correctly. In this version there is no problem with my Voombox speaker, since it is displayed in FxSound, processed, and the audio is heard in my Voombox correctly. In addition, in 1.1.22, when the program is opened while the device is connected before, FxSound perfectly recognizes the device that was connected before. That is: when the device is connected before, when you open FxSound, the program recognizes the device.

As the problems have been increasing, I propose to go back, and implement the mono versions, giving preference to the stereo versions in the automatic selection. In addition, I propose that if no preferred device is selected (new Settings option), the automatic selection works the same as in 1.1.22, giving preference to stereo versions. And that when the program is started, with a device connected before, the program recognizes the device, as happened in 1.1.22

That’s it! Thank you and greetings.

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Hi José ,
Thank you for the comprehensive testing and reporting these issues.
I am sorry that the problems on mono audio were not fixed in version
I am not able to replicate the exact same issues in my setup, but I observed a different issue with mono audio. When I selected a mono device, and started audio playback, the device started to disconnect and reconnect automatically which caused the audio to keep switching between the mono device and a speaker.


Hi José,
Since the mono device support is not working as expected, I have disabled it and released a new beta version The preferred device selection option is also simplified now. When you get time, can you please try installing and using this new version.


Dear Vijayakuma:

Along with greeting you, I tell you that I have already installed version 1.1.26 and it works very well!

My test results are as follows:

  1. Switching between bluetooth speakers is detected most of the time, as well as version 1.1.22.
  2. So far I have not experienced any problems of any kind with version 1.1.26, so I left it installed on my PC.
  3. The new “Preferred output” functionality that you added to Settings is a very good tool, as it allows that every time the preferred speaker or audio output is connected, this output is automatically selected, which saves the need to select it manually. The preferred output is automatically selected, which is very positive.
  4. Something that happens, which does not cause any problem, but which I am interested in reporting to you, is that when a Bluetooth speaker has been selected as the preferred output and this speaker is turned off, a Mono output is observed within the possible outputs that has the same name as the speaker, but with a “surname” that is added that is “[Mono]”. This doesn’t cause any problems, but it may interest you as a sign of something happening behind the scenes. I am attaching an image showing this.

Thank you very much for the 1.1.26 update, which I find very stable and useful.


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Hi José,
Thank you for spending time and comprehensively testing FxSound.
We are glad to hear that the latest version works fine, and the new Preferred output feature is helpful to you.
In version I had ensured that the mono devices are not discovered and listed in FxSound. Ideally the [Mono] audio device should not be present in the list. So, I have one more request for you. Can you please check if the new version got updated correctly and FxSound.exe is version

Thank you for your valuable help and support for FxSound.

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Dear Vijayakuma:

Along with greetings I tell you that version 1.1.26 continues to work very well, with all the virtues that I described in my previous feedback.

Answering your question and about the version, I tell you that I am totally sure of using version 1.1.26 from the moment I installed it and from when I sent you the previous feedback. In fact, whenever I install a new version, I always verify that the version has indeed changed with the update.

Below I send you a screenshot that shows the internal checks you requested, which show version 1.1.26, and this version 1.1.26 is from the date I updated the version.

Regarding this strange case (which doesn’t cause problems), I just ran the same test again, and the same thing happens that I had reported to you before (and it looks the same as the screenshot I already sent you). In the case where I have selected my Bluetooth device as the preferred output, and after turning off this external Bluetooth device, this device appears with the last name [Mono] within the list. THIS DOES NOT OCCUR when turning off this Bluetooth device, when this device IS NOT as a preferred output. This device [Mono] only appears when I have the device as my preferred output and turn this device off.

The above does not cause me any problems, and everything works fine. I’m only mentioning it because it could be developmentally relevant.

Below are the screenshots you requested.

Greetings, and i am happy to help make FxSound even better than it already is

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