New beta release v1.1.29.0

A new beta release v1.1.29.0 is available for download at

The following are the changes in this release, which should address many of the issues and concerns reported recently. Please download and try this release.


  1. Build optimizations done to improve performance and reduce CPU utilization
  2. Crash identified in font loading is fixed
  3. Function call stack with line number will be added to the log on any exception causing application crash
  4. FxSound window opens as topmost window on system tray icon click
  5. Settings file not found error is fixed
  6. Notifications will be displayed in custom notification theme. Notifications can be hidden from Settings.
  7. Corrections in Portuguese and Russian translations

downloading and testing will update if found any issue on my side


1.ui feel more responsiveness than before…i just have this problem, this beta fix my problem.

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I’ve been using beta for 48 hours and I haven’t found any problems yet.

Consumption with minimized GUI. ▼

Consumption with open GUI and playing video. ▼

The tray icon notifications feels quite better now

Keep up the good work


Thank you @Shepard-N7 for coming forward doing a thorough testing of this beta version.
There was an issue in the task bar icon color change after the recent changes and I have fixed it. I will soon promote the new version as latest.


1.1.30 beta
if you restart the process Explorer.exe - the tray icon FxSound disappears
although it remains in the task manager

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Thanks @userFX for pointing this issue. I will get it fixed in a coming release.
Though restarting explorer.exe from task manager is not a common scenario.

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Very happy that my only issue so far, which is #4 is fixed now. Thanks!

BTW version inside Help section is showing v1.1.30.0? :smile:

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Hi @Actavis, I updated the beta with some changes to v1.1.30.0

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v11.1.30.0 is now promoted as latest release