Thank you very much for the new version, I have a question about the parameters, specifically how to assign new values to the keys like Clarity, Ambience, Surround Sound, Dynamic Boost, Bass Boost.
[Preset Information]
CLASS1 : Effect Type
Preset Name: prueba3
FxSound Version: 9
[General Settings]
0: Double Params Flag
1: Total number of elements
[Main Parameters]
1: Main 0
2: Main 1
0: Main 2
3: Main 3
4: Main 4
5: Main 5
# 0: 0
# 1: 13
# 2: 25
# 3: 38
# 4: 51
# 5: 64
# 6: 76
# 7: 89
# 8: 102
# 9: 115
# 10: 127
[Element Parameters]
0: Element Number
0: Param 0
0: Param 1
0: Param 2
0: Param 3
0: Param 4
0: Param 5
0: Param 6
[Application Dependent Data]
7: Number of Application Dependent Integers
0: Number of Application Dependent Reals
0: Number of Application Dependent Strings
[Integer Parameters]
1: Integer[0]
1: Integer[1]
0: Integer[2]
1: Integer[3]
1: Integer[4]
0: Integer[5]
2: Integer[6]
[Equalizer Settings]
10: Number of EQ Bands
1: On/Off Flag
[Equalizer Frequencies and Gains]
Band 1
62.5: CF
5.03937: Boost/Cut
Band 2
95.23: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 3
179.44: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 4
342.4: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 5
630: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 6
1250: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 7
2700: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 8
5300: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 9
7500: CF
12: Boost/Cut
Band 10
13000: CF
12: Boost/Cut
In the EQUIVALENCIES section, I try to give values from 1 to 10 to the current values of [Main parameters], 1:13, 2:25, 3:38 and so on.
I share the code corresponding to a test preset (.fac file) with a proposed data structure to make it more user friendly. I would like to be able to edit the values of Clarity, Ambient, etc. with values from 1 to 10.