In the previous version I raised the need for multi-language support and helped to improve the Simplified Chinese translation. Today I saw on the forum that there is a test version supporting multi-language interface(Translation before feeling involved), but I found that the translation is not very good, so I posted to improve the translation.
Update date: February 20, 2022
English | 简体中文 |
Oops! There’s an issue with your playback device settings. | 哎呀! 你的播放设备设置有问题。 |
Before we can get started, please go through the | 在我们开始工作之前,请先浏览一下 |
troubleshooting steps here. | 此处为故障排除步骤。 |
if you’re still having problems. | 如果你还有问题。 |
Contact us | 联系我们 |
Error in system audio configuration. Unable to run FxSound | 系统音频配置出错。无法运行FxSound |
OK | |
Click here to see what’s new on this version! | 单击此处查看此版本的更新新内容! |
FxSound in system tray | FxSound在系统托盘中 |
Click FxSound icon to reopen | 点击FxSound图标,重新开启 |
Thanks for using FxSound! Would you be interested in helping us by taking a quick 4 minute survey so we can make FxSound better? | 谢谢您使用FxSound! 您是否有兴趣帮助我们,做一个4分钟的快速调查,以便我们能使FxSound变得更好? |
Take the survey. | 参与调查。 |
JCTRIDX10. | |
Changes to your preset are not saved. | 对预设的改变不会被保存。 |
Do you want to exit? | 你要退出吗? |
JCTRIDX11. | |
Changes to your preset are not saved. | 对预设的改变不会被保存。 |
Do you want to ignore the changes? | 你想忽略这些变化吗? |
JCTRIDX12. | |
Output Disconnected | 输出端断开连接 |
JCTRIDX13. | |
Output: | 输出 |
JCTRIDX14. | |
Changes to preset %S are saved. | 对预设%S的更改已被保存。 |
JCTRIDX15. | |
New preset %S is saved. | 新的预设%S已经保存。 |
JCTRIDX16. | |
Reached the limit on new presets. | 已达到新预设的限制。 |
JCTRIDX17. | |
Preset %S is deleted. | 预设%S被删除。 |
JCTRIDX18. | |
Presets are restored to factory defaults | 预设会恢复为出厂默认值 |
JCTRIDX19. | |
Preset file %S already exists in the export path, do you want to overwrite the preset file? | 预设文件%S已存在于导出路径中,是否要覆盖预设文件? |
JCTRIDX20. | |
FxSound is %S. | FxSound是%S。 |
JCTRIDX21. | |
on | 打开 |
JCTRIDX22. | |
off | 关闭 |
JCTRIDX23. | |
Preset: %S | 预设:%S |
JCTRIDX24. | |
Clarity | 清晰度 |
JCTRIDX25. | |
Ambience | 堂音 |
JCTRIDX26. | |
Surround Sound | 环绕立体声 |
JCTRIDX27. | |
Dynamic Boost | 动态增强 |
JCTRIDX28. | |
Bass Boost | 低音增强 |
JCTRIDX29. | |
Enhances and elevates high end | 增强和提升high end(终极高保真)级别 |
fidelity and presence | 保真和临场效果 |
JCTRIDX30. | |
Thickens and smooths audio with controlled reverberation | 通过控制混响来调节音频的厚度和柔和度 |
JCTRIDX31. | |
Widens the left-right balance for expansive, wide sound | 拓宽了左右的平衡,使声音更加宽广。 |
JCTRIDX32. | |
Increases overall volume and balance with responsive processing | 通过共鸣处理提高整体音量和平衡性 |
JCTRIDX33. | |
Boosts low end for full,impactful response | 提升了低频,使之具有完整的、有冲击力的响应。 |
JCTRIDX34. | |
Super-low Bass. Increase this for more rumble and thump, decrease if there’s too much boominess. | 超低频。增加它可以获得更多的隆隆声和 砰砰声,如果有太多的轰鸣声就减少。 |
JCTRIDX35. | |
Center of your Bass sound. Increase this for a fuller low end, decrease if the bass sounds overwhelming. | 低音中心。增加这个数值可以获得更丰满的低频,如果低音听起来太过沉重,就减少这个数值。 |
JCTRIDX36. | |
The low end of your mid-range. Increase this to make vocals sound rich and warm, decrease it to help control instruments that sound loud and muffled. | 中频的低音。增加它可以使人声听起来丰富而温暖,减少它可以帮助控制那些听起来很响很闷的乐器。 |
JCTRIDX37. | |
A focal point of the low-mid-range. Increase this to bring out electric guitars and vocal volume, decrease it to reduce any boxy tones. | 中低音域的一个关键点。增加它以突出电吉他和人声的音量,减少它以减少任何 箱体 的音调。 |
JCTRIDX38. | |
The center mid-range band. Increase this to drastically boost rhythm instruments and snare hits, reduce it to cut out nasal tones. | 中心的中频段。增加这个频段可以大幅提高节奏乐器和小鼓的音质,减少这个频段可以消除 鼻音。 |
JCTRIDX39. | |
The high-mid-range. Increase this to get more instrumental harmonics, reduce it to improve drums that have too much clickiness or orchestral instruments that are piercing. | 中高音域。增加它可以得到更多的乐器谐音,减少它可以改善有太多 咔嚓声 的鼓声或刺耳的管弦乐器声。 |
JCTRIDX40. | |
The lower end of the high-end range. Increase this for more vocal clarity and articulation, reduce it and move the frequency wheel up and down to find and cut out overly loud S and T sounds. | 远端中高档-关闭音域。增加这个频率可以更加清晰的发声和发音,减少这个频率,并上下移动频率轮,以找到并切掉过大的“S”和“T”音。 |
JCTRIDX41. | |
The core high-end range. Increase this to make your audio sound more like it’s in an airy, large space, reduce it to help with room noises and unwanted echoing. | 核心中高档-关闭音域。增加它可以使你的音频听起来更像在一个通风的大空间里,减少它可以帮助解决房间噪音和不必要的回声。 |
JCTRIDX42. | |
The highest range of average human hearing. Increase this to give your sound more of a crisp tone, with lots of overtones. Reduce it to remove hiss or painfully high sounds. | 人类平均听力的最高范围。增加它可以使你的声音更加清脆,有很多杂音。减少它可以消除嘶嘶声或痛苦的高声。 |
JCTRIDX43. | |
This wheel allows you to adjust which frequencies this EQ band is affecting up or down to target different frequencies/pitches. The EQ slider above controls the volume of this EQ band. Increase or decrease to boost or cut a portion of your audio’s frequencies, without modifying the rest of your sound. | 此滚轮可让您调整此均衡器频段向上或向下影响的频率,以达到不同的频率/音高。上面的均衡器滑块控制该均衡器频段的音量。增加或减少以提高或降低音频的一部分频率,而不修改声音的其余部分。 |
JCTRIDX44. | |
JCTRIDX45. | |
Yes | 是 |
JCTRIDX46. | |
No | 否 |
JCTRIDX47. | |
Export Presets | 导出预设 |
JCTRIDX48. | |
Export | 导出 |
JCTRIDX49. | |
Select the presets to export… | 选择要导出的预设… |
JCTRIDX50. | |
Presets are exported successfully! | 预设成功导出! |
JCTRIDX51. | |
Presets successfully imported | 成功导入预设 |
JCTRIDX52. | |
Duplicate presets not imported | 没有导入重复的预设 |
JCTRIDX53. | |
Import Presets | 导入预设 |
JCTRIDX54. | |
Import | 导入 |
JCTRIDX55. | |
Select the folder which contains the presets… | 选择包含预设的文件夹… |
JCTRIDX56. | |
Folder: | 文件夹: |
JCTRIDX57. | |
Preset files not found in the selected folder. | 在所选文件夹中找不到预设文件。 |
JCTRIDX58. | |
Settings | 设置 |
JCTRIDX59. | |
Donate | 捐赠 |
JCTRIDX60. | |
General | 通用 |
JCTRIDX61. | |
Help | 帮助 |
JCTRIDX62. | |
General Preferences | 通用设置 |
JCTRIDX63. | |
Launch on system startup | 在系统启动时启动 |
JCTRIDX64. | |
Automatically switch to newly connected output device | 自动切换到新连接的输出设备 |
JCTRIDX65. | |
Hide help tips for audio controls | 隐藏音频控件的帮助提示 |
JCTRIDX66. | |
Disable keyboard shortcuts | 禁用键盘快捷键 |
JCTRIDX67. | |
Reset presets to factory defaults | 将预设重置为出厂默认值 |
JCTRIDX68. | |
Turn FxSound On/Off (Ctrl + Alt + Q) | 开启/关闭FxSound(Ctrl + Alt + Q) |
JCTRIDX69. | |
Open/Close FxSound (Ctrl + Alt + E) | 打开/退出FxSound(Ctrl + Alt + E) |
JCTRIDX70. | |
Change Preset (Ctrl + Alt + A / D) | 更改预设(Ctrl + Alt + A / D) |
JCTRIDX71. | |
Change Playback Device (Ctrl + Alt + W / S) | 更改播放设备(Ctrl + Alt + W / S) |
JCTRIDX72. | |
Language | 语言 |
JCTRIDX73. | |
Disable debug logging | 禁用调试记录 |
JCTRIDX74. | |
Version | 版本说明 |
JCTRIDX75. | |
Support | 技术支持 |
JCTRIDX76. | |
Maintenance | 维护版本 |
JCTRIDX77. | |
Changelog | 更新日志 |
JCTRIDX78. | |
Quick tour | 快速游览 |
JCTRIDX79. | |
Submit debug logs | 提交调试日志 |
JCTRIDX80. | |
Help center | 帮助中心 |
JCTRIDX81. | |
Feedback | 反馈 |
JCTRIDX82. | |
Check for updates | 检查更新 |
JCTRIDX83. | |
Open | 打开 |
JCTRIDX84. | |
Exit | 退出 |
JCTRIDX85. | |
Turn Off | 关闭 |
JCTRIDX86. | |
Turn On | 开启 |
JCTRIDX87. | |
Preset Select | 预设选择 |
JCTRIDX88. | |
Playback Device Select | 播放设备选择 |
JCTRIDX89. | |
Enter your preset name | 输入预设名称 |
JCTRIDX90. | |
Enter new preset name | 输入新的预设名称 |
JCTRIDX91. | |
Overwrite Existing Preset | 覆盖现有的预设 |
JCTRIDX92. | |
Save New Preset | 保存新的预设 |
JCTRIDX93. | |
Undo Preset Changes | 取消预设的更改 |
JCTRIDX94. | |
Rename Preset | 重命名预设 |
JCTRIDX95. | |
Delete Preset | 删除预设 |
JCTRIDX96. | |
Download Bonus Presets | 下载额外的预设 |
JCTRIDX97. | |
FxSound is unable to play processed audio through the selected output device. | FxSound无法通过选定的输出设备播放经过处理的音频。 |
Another application could be using it in exclusive mode or the device could be disconnected. To disable exclusive mode follow these | 另一个应用程序可能在独占模式下使用它,或者设备可能被断开连接。要禁用独占模式,请遵循以下步骤 |
JCTRIDX98. | |
steps. | 步骤 |
JCTRIDX99. | |
Click here to save new presets, overwrite old ones, or reset your settings. | 点击这里保存新的预设,覆盖旧的预设,或重置你的设置。 |
JCTRIDX100. | |
Settings file not found! | 未找到设置文件! |