Pop-up Messages

Good evening Michiel,
I honestly can’t remember the way this previously used to be; the pop-ups or notifications were never that important, or an issue for me, personally.
I’ve tested switching devices manually, and I get a notification for that.
I’ve also tested changing presets manually, and can confirm that in v1.1.20.0, no pop-up or notification shows up when doing so.
However, when I switch presets using the new customizable shortcuts in v1.1.20.0, I do get a notification.
Some users have already complained about the same annoyance, and have also written about the option to enable or disable app-specific notifications via the Windows Settings or Control Panel menus (running a search for this option with any search engine and visiting a trustworthy website, should suffice to find a tutorial on that).
But, as far as I know - and I’ve checked - there are currently no options available to customize pop-ups and/or notifications in v1.1.20.0 of FxSound itself.
FYI, in case you would like to try other older versions, you can find a complete list of safe free downloads of all previous versions here:

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