FxSound notifications removed?

Was the notification pop up for fxsound removed in the latest update?

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Hi Taylor,
Just to clarify: which pop-up are you talking about, more exactly?
Whenever a new version is released, the implemented updates are always summarized on the Changelog page of the official website:

whenever I would change the output or preset I would get a popup notification of what it was changing to, it used to pop up on the bottom left side of my screen and now doesn’t show up anymore, now I have to use the windows notifications to see the change but its pretty slow when changing through multiple presets/outputs.

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There’s an option to “hide help tips for audio controls” in the General tab of the Settings menu, but - and I know this is ridiculous - I honestly still don’t know what deselecting this option actually does.
Could you please check if this option is selected or deselected in your Settings?

its deselected, I also tried uninstalling and then reinstalling also but still no notification pop up

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I am running the latest version as well and get that notification whenever I switch my output device regardless of whether the “hide help tips” option is on or off, but no notification upon switching Presets.
I can only conclude that it was not removed…
There are plans to add one or multiple options to the Settings menu which will grant users more control over the pop-ups and notifications,

This was from 02/02/2024.
Could it be the result of previous tinkering? Or did you manage to get the notifications back and working again on v1.1.20.0?

This could be due to the recent changes in the notifications code to fix a Windows 10 issue.
Please check if the option “Show notification banners” is selected for FxSound in System → Notifications.


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I am talking about the fxsound notification popup from the program itself, the windows notifications works for me but its very slow to respond to changes. With the fxsound popup it would change immediately while going through the outputs/presets but with the windows popup it has to wait for the notification to go away before showing the next one so it just makes it slower to use.


We need to add a timeout for the Windows notifications and also hide a notification when another notification comes up. Will look into the fix for this in the next release.

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The notification popup from fxsound was quite nice, had the same window, background color, and font of fxsound. But if the windows notification is the only option now than oh well I guess

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Our apologies for this malfunction.
As I said earlier, I do get that notification on v1.1.22.0 whenever I switch outputs, but not when I switch Presets, which also makes me wonder.

several days after booting the icon always disappears from the notification area. ‘FXSound is off’ despite it being ‘on’.