Is there a way to exclude certain apps?

I have gotten fxsound for gaming and i have been loving it! I just have a concern because since i use voice chat to talk with my friends, their audio when they talk is also distorted. any way to blacklist certain apps like discord from getting the audio enhanced?

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No, regret to inform you that there is currently no such option, so if you don’t want your voice chat app’s audio boosted, your best bet at the moment would be to simply turn FxSound off.
There is a possibility one might be added in the future though, see:

I just realized Discord is not an audio device, and therefore not included in the dropdown menu to select an output device.

I did find some audio-related settings in Discord under App Settings > Voice & Video, such as:
Input Device & Volume;
Output Device & Volume (I can select either Default, my headphones, or FxSound here, but I never chat on this app, so I have no idea what the results of changing this setting would be);
Soundboard Volume;
Echo Cancellation;
Noise Suppression powered by Krisp;
Automatic Gain Control;
Audio Subsystem: Standard / Legacy / Experimental; and
Diagnostic Audio Recording.