Had to uninstall due to too many problems

As much as I like FXSound (great idea, great interface) I was just having too many problems to continue using it. I used it primarily with Bluetooth speakers (specifically hearing aids). FXSound would frequently (several times a day) spontaneously lose the device (labeled as Headset on the dropdown) and I would have to restart the app. In the last day or so I would lose sound completely, even with Bluetooth disabled and FXSound not running. Lacking any type of fix, the simplest fix would seem to be just not using it at all.

Other minor problems include tasktray icon no longer responding to right-click actions.

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Hi Jim;
Sorry to disappoint.
There’s a summary of alternative audio enhancers at the end of the main troubleshooting list (bannered to the top of the forum).

I don’t particularly care for the heavy-handed way FxSound manages the audio. For example, I use nircmd.exe (from NirSoft) with hotkeys to quickly switch my audio output between speaker, TV (HDMI) and headphones (Bluetooth). But FxSound prevents me from doing this. It insists on managing my devices. If I hotkey to TV FxSound switches it right back to itself. It’s particularly annoying when it loses my headset device, forcing me to close, then relaunch FxSound. Could you include an option to let Windows manage the devices, leaving FxSound to just manage the actual audio profile.

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(This is something I’ve already suggested many times in other threads, but) instead of uninstalling FxSound, you can disable the FxSound Speakers device in Windows Sound for as long as you want and re-enable it when it is needed, without any negative effects (except for the “Oops!” pop-up, which you can ignore in this case).

I’d like to ask you a question about your 3 devices first (speaker / TV via HDMI / Bluetooth headphones):
Are you successfully processing all three audio devices with FxSound?
And the reason I’m asking this, is because FxSound has its own customizable shortcuts inside the General tab of the Settings menu, including one to change your active playback device.

I would have to say no. FxSound repeatedly drops my headset/bluetooth device during active playback. A hotkey in FxSound to switch devices wouldn’t help this. I’ve always been a big fan of pipelining. Is there any reason why FxSound can’t just alter the audio stream and leave the device selection to Windows?

I find that this is a frequent problem in Windows in that there are too many places where similar things can be controlled meaning that when something goes wrong it can be difficult to track down the trouble spot. For example, there are sound settings in FxSound, in the Settings app and in the device driver under mmsys.cpl.


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Two, actually.
First one: that’s just the way the FxSound Audio Enhancer driver works.
Second one: no one on the current team knows enough about the code to perform the sorcery required to make those changes.

I was a maintenance programmer for 29 years on an AGC/SCADA system. I know what it’s like to have to work with code written by people who are no longer there.

BTW I tried the device switch hotkey and out of 10 keypresses it processed 6 of them and ignored 4.

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That is weird.
Did you get that ratio with one key combination, or with all possible combinations?

Also, which version are you running?
You can find your version number in the Help tab of the Settings.
The latest update is v1.1.22.0 , available as always from fxsound.com.

(Sorry, but I have to ask that question… You could call it 90% of my job description.)

Sorry. I should have said. Version Windows 11 Home with all updates.

CTRL+SHIFT+Q works every time.

I just tried CTRL+SHIFT+W again and had no problem. It could have been something running in the background that was causing it to lag.

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