I’m using Roland Rubix22 audio interface paired with AKG K712 pro headphones and after installing FxSound I have a lot of audio delay when playing videogames like Counter Strike (CSGO).
I used Equalizer APO+Peace before with no problems at all. I make sure APO and Peace are uninstalled now so they don’t interfere with FxSound.
Hi Sloty,
Yes, this is a known issue.
First of all, you should make sure you have the latest version of FxSound installed.
Secondly, here’s some good advice by one of our users:
And of course, you can disable CPU throttling settings in your Control Panel, as LatencyMon suggests.
What exactly do you need help with?
Which software would you like to test?
I can’t read your mind from a distance you know, you need to be specific.
Here’s what @PLEASE_DELETE said:
Look, let’s not kid around.
This is a known issue that’s been reported multiple times, and there’s probably not all too much that can be done about it and not much of a solution for it, except perhaps replacing your entire operating system with a more powerful one.
But the audio delay is still happening on CSGO. Maybe not as much as later on.
My operating system is Windows 10 and is up to date, which OS do you recommend?