The error occurred during software installation.

Both installation and uninstallation are currently not possible.

Sorry about this. Can you try downloading the latest version here? Download FxSound - Boost Your Sound On Windows

No, still install this pop-up

@bvijay any troubleshooting ideas?

Hi @jiayounuli1
Please run fxsound_setup.exe /extract from command prompt to extract the components in the installer including fxsound.x64.msi. When prompted during installation you can select this file.
I assume that the special character & in the path also could be causing the issue. Can you try copying fxsound_setup.exe to a folder like C:\TEMP and run it from there.

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Download the following app:
“Sordum Power Run” and install FxSound from there.
(¡¡¡use this app with caution!!!)

This will install the application and driver with maximum system privileges.

Let us know if this solved your problem.

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