Perceber o equilíbrio do som (Understanding the balance of sound)

Boa tarde,

Não entendo muito disto e o vosso não vem da mesma forma.

Onde encontro os efeitos do som com as seguintes designação ( 31 / 62 / 125 / 250 / 500 / 1k / 2k / 4k / 8k / 16k ) ?

Alguém me consegue ajudar.


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Any Portuguese users that can assist?

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@wanderlei: Can you help?
Hope you don’t mind the call.

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The user has specified the EQ frequencies they want to adjust. He doesn’t seem to be happy with the current sliders. Unlike classic equalizers, in this program different presets have different levels (points) of adjustment.


Selecione a configuração padrão (Geral);
Abra o arquivo no bloco de notas:
Altere os parâmetros “Band” e o nome da configuração;
Salvar arquivo e importar configuração.

Select the standard equalizer setting (General);
Export it;
Open file in notepad:
Change “Band” parameters and setting name;
Save the file and import the setting.

General_mod.fac (as text, notepad):



P.S. “Band 1” is not configured in the program, but is calculated automatically. The frequency is always “62.5”.

10: Number of EQ Bands

Theoretically, you can change the number of sliders. In fact, programmers have not thought through the implementation of this parameter. The decrease causes errors in the program. Increasing does not guarantee that sound output will be used in calculations.
Conclusion: Manual modification of a file is not recommended.


For such a task, I’d recommend EqualizerApo.
It is free, and has a full-range EQ (20Hz to 20 kHZ) which is completely customizable.
If you really wanna get nitty-gritty with your frequency bands, this software will let you.

Para tal tarefa, eu recomendo EqualizerApo.
É gratuito, e possui um EQ de gama completa (20Hz a 20 kHZ) que é totalmente personalizável.
Se você realmente deseja obter detalhes com suas bandas de frequência, este software permitirá.
(Google Translate)

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Thanks again, @Dolmatov. Extremely helpful, as always. :slight_smile:

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obrigado a todos pelas vossas resposta.

espero que em breve vocês tenham essa opção.


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