Can anyone help me? Where can I download a working FX Sound file? Because only a file with an error is downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. When I try to run the downloaded program, the following message appears: Settings file not found! I’m begging you, help me!!! I have Windows 11.
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March 21, 2024, 1:10am
Try ‘Run as administrator’ on fxsound_setup.exe
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Hi Dorota,
Apologies for the belated answer, I was asleep.
This is the issue on GitHub, your case is the second one:
opened 12:42AM - 09 Dec 23 UTC
**1. "Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied."
2. "Set… tings file not found!" (AppData)
3. "Source file not found!" ( in AppData \ Roaming)
4. "Invalid digital signature." ( in AppData \ Roaming)**
**1. Installation fails and the error "Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied." appears**
"Error Applying Security
An error occurred while applying security information to:
C: \ ProgramData \ FxSound
Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied."
Reported by:
Forum member fevglikbgjhs
Possible cause(s):
Elaboration by @bvijay74:
This error means that the user account does not have any access permission to the folder C: \ProgramData\FxSound. The default settings are stored in C: \ProgramData\FxSound during installation and copied to %APPDATA%\FxSound for each user on application launch. So, the user launching the application should have permission to read settings from C: \ProgramData\FxSound.
Possible solution(s):
* Confirm if the logged-in user has permission to the required folder with the command "icacls"
* Log in with a different user account;
* Change the folder permissions;
* Uncheck Read-only under Properties > Attributes;
* Run FxSound as Administrator.
**2. Installation seems successful, but launch fails and the error "Settings file not found!" appears (AppData)**

Reported by:
Forum member Plide
Possible cause(s):
The absence of permission to access the AppData folder.
Possible solution(s):
* Confirm if the logged-in user has permission to the required folder with the command "icacls"
* Change the folder permissions;
* Copy the file manually - elaboration by @bvijay74:
Check if the file FxSound.settings file is present in the %APPDATA%\FxSound directory. FxSound installation should normally create the defaults settings file in this directory. If the file is not created due to any permission issue, then you can copy FxSound.settings from %PROGRAMDATA%\FxSound to %APPDATA%\FxSound.
* Run FxSound as Administrator - elaboration by @bvijay74:
If the FxSound.settings file is not present in %APPDATA%\FxSound, then upon FxSound launch the file gets created. User will get the error only if FxSound does not have the permission to create the file. So, running FxSound as an Administrator is another option to overcome the issue. Subsequent launches can be as standard user, but the settings changes will not get saved. Application launch error can be avoided this way and this does not require any manual changes to the settings file.
* Tutorial for fixing the "Settings file not found!" error on Windows 11 by forum member justinfoHowto:
**3. Installation fails and the error "Source file not found!" appears ( in AppData \ Roaming)**

Reported by:
Forum members JaspaR,
Possible cause(s):
Usually on old versions of Windows (7, XP) with outdated root certificates. If the root certificates are out of date, then there may be problems checking the valid digital signatures of files.
Possible solution(s):
* Update certificates or system;
* Install from the [Microsoft Store](;
* Solution shared by @bvijay74:
Extract the installer by running fxsound_setup.exe /extract
Once the files are extracted, you can verify the cab file signature by running
signtool verify /pa
Then run fxsound.x64.msi on 64 bit systems or fxsound.msi on 32 bit systems, to install FxSound.
**4. Installation fails and the error "Invalid digital signature." appears ( in AppData \ Roaming)**
"A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file [...] has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt."

Reported by:
Forum members Zipper,
Possible cause(s):
Usually on old versions of Windows (7, XP) with outdated root certificates. If the root certificates are out of date, then there may be problems checking the valid digital signatures of files.
Possible solution(s):
* Update certificates or system;
* Install from the [Microsoft Store](;
* Solution shared by @bvijay74:
Extract the installer by running fxsound_setup.exe /extract
Once the files are extracted, you can verify the cab file signature by running
signtool verify /pa
Then run fxsound.x64.msi on 64 bit systems or fxsound.msi on 32 bit systems, to install FxSound.