FXSound plays sound for a split second after switching device then goes silent

G’day. I would like to thank the devs for enchanting our experience via making this wonderful free-to-use tool. But…

Recently I’ve ran into a bug. Windows recognize FXSound and, as it shows, plays sound through it. But, whatever the reason, I can’t hear a damn. FXSound shows me the right device and the volume levels act accordingly, but on the other end I can’t hear a sound. The sound appears for a very split second after switching the device in the app. I’ve ran through multiple topics, disabled exclusive modes and disabled every unwanted device I could but it didn’t help. Hope for the best advice from you guys.



Good evening.
My apologies for the delayed response, I was dealing with some bureaucratic nonsense…
Also, I’m afraid the best I can do, for now, is give you a link to a recent version of my first-aid-kit list of settings to check.
You can ignore the suggestions which obviously aren’t for you, like turning down the Effects sliders and trying LatencyMon.
Please post back and let me know if your problem persists after running through the list; if so, we can explore further options, and I will call in some help.

I’ve ran through every possible step of the first-kit, but the problem stayed the same.

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Okay. Thanks.
I’ve notified Vijay.

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:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

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Sorry about that.
Vijay sent me this message about six hours ago,

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I don’t know if it makes a difference, but after several weeks of fxsound doing precisely as it was supposed to (in Windows 7), I started having this very same problem just now; partway through some embarrassing music, all audio went silent. I still saw vibrations on the foobar2000 visualizer, so it THOUGHT it was making noise but nothing came out of fxsound, and it showed no noise-lines. Or maybe it did at first but it sure doesn’t now. I assumed my speakers had broken or been shut off in the bios (an older computer used to sneakily do that) but then windows still made a noise when I shut it off, and audio worked again thereafter, until fxsound restarted.

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Hi @cracker
Can you please confirm the audio format set for HyperX Cloud from Properties, Advanced tab. FxSound supports 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz sampling rates. Incompatible audio format can be one reason for no audio playback.

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16 bit 48KHz is a supported format. I see that the HyperX headsets specifications say USB connectivity and DTS headset Gaming Headsets – HyperX ROW
Have you installed any headset specific software for it to work on USB and decode DTS?
If the output device expects DTS encoded audio, then FxSound does not support that.

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No I didn’t.

Previously FXSound used to work just alright for years.

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Can you tell us the FxSound version which had been working? Are there any changes in your system setup since FxSound had been working?
The recent FxSound version have not undergone any changes which can impact the audio playback. Most of the changes are related to translation and user interface.

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I use the last version available. I don’t remember tweaking my Windows settings or anything of that kind. One day it just stopped working the way it used to.

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I had these symptoms before, for me it was a muted volume in the volume mixer.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 140830

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should we consider this topic unsolvable?

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Once again, our apologies for this unintended bug.
If the problem is indeed unsolvable (due to some specific and unknown device or driver incompatibility), then you can always uninstall FxSound and pivot to a different audio enhancer.
I’ve included a list of alternatives at the end of my standard troubleshooting list (pinned to the top of the forum), of which SteelSeries Sonar is probably the best free option.

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I noticed my fxsound has been working again, but I do not know what changed. I waited to see if it broke again, and it didn’t, and then i forgot about reporting that. I am certainly glad to have it working properly, whatever the case!

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Glad to hear it. :headphones:
Thanks for informing us. :+1:

This thread was posted yesterday and seems quite similar:

Since FxSound worked before this malfunction occurred for all users who reported it, and now even seems to work again in the case reported by @heapinfrimp, I added some instructions on how to update (or roll back) the driver of the affected device.