My friends,
FxSound is very nice, but everytime I over the mouse on the tray icon on the taskbar, and despite being pretty sure that was not your primary intent, it does make me laugh, so I’m feeling kind of compelled to tell you about it:
- When the program is inactive, the bubble tag says “FXSound é fora”
- When the program is active, the bubble tag says “FXSound é sobre”
- “FxSound é fora” means “FxSound itself is out-there”
- “FXSound é sobre” means “FxSound itself is about” and “FxSound itself is over”
The english verb “to be” has two very different meanings in portuguese:
- “Ser” translates to “to be something” (tall, blue, a bird…)
- “Estar” translates to “to be somewhere or in some state” (here, sleeping…)
Mixing those meanings gives weirdly funny results.
“É” means “He, she, or it is something”
“Sobre” means “About” and also “Positionaly over”
If you have the time and wish to correct it, you could use:
- “FXSound desligado”, “FXSound inactivo” or “FXSound Off” for the inactive state
- “FXSound ligado”, “FXSound activo” or “FXSound On” for the active state
(Like in every electric device importer country, portuguese speaking populations are quite familiar with the terms “On”, “Off” and “Play”)
And don’t take me wrong, I do like a good laugh