I have been using the application for about a month and everything worked wonderfully. But since yesterday the app started doing something very annoying. The default sound, which is the internal audio of the PC, began to change and default to FX SOUND. The strangest thing is that I started to experience it when I am inside the games and I am left completely without sound. I had to uninstall the application momentarily. I only use the app when I use headphones. So I always have it off until I use the headphones. I have version
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Hi Riky, welcome.
FxSound setting itself as the Default Device, is the normal expected behavior.
Have you tried setting your active audio device as the Default Communication Device?
And have you read the main troubleshooting list at the top of the forum yet?
Also, instead of uninstalling, you could simply disable the FxSound Speakers device found in Windows Sound Settings as long as necessary, without any harmful effects, except for the “Oops!” pop-up, which you can safely ignore in this case.
Let me know if this helps (or not).