Hi all
Does FxSound have any Command Line Parameters?
I want to start the app in the Off position and was hoping to find a way to do it.
Grateful for any advice…
Hi all
Does FxSound have any Command Line Parameters?
I want to start the app in the Off position and was hoping to find a way to do it.
Grateful for any advice…
Welcome to the forum.
Not as far as I know, no.
Maybe someone else should chime in here though, because I don’t know everything about the program.
I do not know. I can recreate the effect but it is not convenient.
Create a zero value preset. Prior to closing DFX, select zero value preset. DFX will start “off”.
I have one of those as my default preset, actually (I only boost when needed).
Didn’t even occur to me to suggest this as a fix; thanks once again, Antman.
I found a solution. I’m trying to always start the app with my chosen default preset , rather than have FxSound overwrite it on close.
I’ve managed to achieve his by setting the three config files in
to Read Only.
This way, the app will always start with your preferred settings in place and won’t overwrite them.
Good stuff, well done.
Doing nothing is what I do best.
These are the command line options available for FxSound,
–view <1> or <2> for minimal or full view
can you help me in this?
I want to change the preset but it doesn’t work
I tried this
cd “C:\Program Files\FxSound LLC\FxSound”; .\FxSound.exe --preset=“Default”
also tried --preset=Default
when I run cd “C:\Program Files\FxSound LLC\FxSound”; .\FxSound.exe --language=ko it changes the language, so nothing is wrong before --preset on the command