Bluetooth devices just don't work

Is there a new version of FX Sound coming that will recognize Bluetooth devices easily? I was so excited to have this help me with my Transcription but it does not work with my bluetooth headset (Sennheiser) and after reading and reading and reading about it, it doesn’t seem to work on any Bluetooth device very well.

This is 2024. Bluetooth is what everyone is using these days. Is there a plan to get a verison out that easily connects to Bluetooth devices?? Is it even being considered?


Good afternoon Brenda,
Which version did you install, how many devices did you test with, and have you tried all the suggestions from the main troubleshooting list at the top of the forum yet?
Improving Bluetooth functionality is one of our top priorities, however, there are no plans to release a version of FxSound tailored specifically to Bluetooth connections.

I have the latest version released and am using Sennheiser headphones. I’ve tried everything suggested except installing a thingy in the tray? that I really don’t understand and that isn’t done any more or something?

There is no option to choose anything except speakers when I use FX Sound and I’ve tried every configuration, disabled other devices, rebooted a million times, tried a couple of older versions of FX sound but nothing works. :frowning:

I have looked all through the forums and done everything suggested bar that one thingy I don’t really understand.

Blockquote there are no plans to release a version of FxSound tailored specifically to Bluetooth connections

Is there a reason for that??? Bluetooth is so popular now and using wires is a really huge problem when you work from home (as I have done for over 30 years) and get up and down often to attend to things. I have pulled so many cords over the years, it’s why I switched to Bluetooth, thinking I was being more modern. LOL

I’m really surprised you’re not considering doing this. Is it a financial issue? I have no problem paying for something that works well for me. Always have.

I’m using Sennheiser SD Pro 2, which aren’t new but work perfectly. Thank you for replying!

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Cable clutter is annoying, and while Bluetooth can be finicky, it is definitely a relief from physical connections once you get it working smoothly; I understand that.
My guess would be that, since the causes of most problems with Bluetooth remain unknown, so does a one-size-fits-all, general fix.
Sorry to have put you through so much hassle.
If there is simply no way to get your Bluetooth headphones to work together with FxSound, then you could always try a different audio enhancer.
You can find a summary of possible alternatives included at the end of the main troubleshooting list (and there are surely more programs out there that I haven’t heard of yet).


Oh, I don’t mind cable clutter. I just have to get up often and find I forget and pull the cord a lot, which can break them so…

I have looked at all the other audio enhancers and haven’t found one that even touches FXSound. Lots are good for listening to music but very few help me.

I do transcription for a living and this really helps a lot with stuff that’s very quiet and hard to hear. Thanks for your help.

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I sent a message to @bvijay. Perhaps he can offer you more assistance and insight.

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Thank you!

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Do you have a list anywhere of which bluetooth headphones DO work well and consistently with FXSound? Or is there no such thing? Hopefully I’ll get my wired headset this weekend then I’ll be able to use FXSound when needed!

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No such list. But I could start with creating one. It’s a good idea.

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Hi @myminpins
Can you please confirm if your Bluetooth are mono or stereo headphones?
FxSound does not support single channel mono headphones.

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Yes, they are stereo. They are these ones: Sennheiser SD Pro 2 Stereo Wireless Headset | Speakeasy Solutions Inc. And, yes, they’re old but they work really really well and every one I’ve tried since is definitely not as good as these ones are. They are definitely stereo.


Me too. I came here to fix it, assuming it was me or the headphones (I already yelled at Bose - my mistake!). I’m sad. I have very poor eyesight - an enhanced sound experience is very important to me. When this works it’s so nice! unfortunately, it detects my bluetooth headphones about once a month. Sometimes I can select the headphones, sometimes not. Sometimes it finds them five minutes later, sometimes not. Since it’s never consistent I can’t replicate the steps. And randomly pushing all the sound options is both time consuming and frustrating. So… I hope this is fixed someday. For now I’m just going to delete the program, with regret.

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I never have the chance to choose them ever. Just my speakers. Very frustrating because this program is amazing. You could also try turning on your Bluetooth and connecting it before you turn on FX Sound. Might work


That would be a logical explanation on why Bluetooth devices might not work with FXSound, personally i use wired Headset never liked Wireless Headset for many reasons

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I went to them because I have to get up often while working from home and didn’t want to keep pulling on the cord but am going to try wired with this to see if at least I can see if it helps but would really really really love to use this with my really good Sennheiser Bluetooth headset


So I got my wired headset today. What a HUGE difference. Such a shame I can’t use my Bluetooth headset with this!! I find the wired headset also has a buzzing noise in it that I’ve always heard from wired headsets but it’s ignorable since the sound is so nice and loud and clear now that I can use FXSound. Yay. Definitely an improvement and will help my work.


A good practice is when you set dynamic boost let’s say at 5 it’s a good idea not to max out the audio player volume or YouTube volume that way you will not have that distortion when and if you set bass boost or any other type of effect also if you don’t like the already presets that came with Fx you can always use the Default and make your own preset just don’t go crazy with the effects.

So I have a newer set of Bluetooth headphones and they DO work with FX Sound BUT they don’t seem to be very loud. Almost seems as though FXSound isn’t doing much?? It’s SLIGHTLY louder but nothing like it is with wired headphones. Not even close. I can listen at 100% and it’s not that loud. On wired headphones, it blows my ears before I even hit 50% volume.
Any ideas, suggestions??

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Try using the Equalizer and the Dynamic Boost Effect, and make sure to check all volume-related settings, for your headphones, and basically for your entire system, first.
Most media players (e.g. VLC, WinAmp, Windows Media Player, MusicBee, Neutron) have all sorts of audio effects, like pre-amps and equalizers, built into them or available for free, which you can use for this purpose.
Some other options, like a browser extension, EarTrumpet/Volume² or EqualizerAPO, can be found at the end of the main troubleshooting list.
Apart from that, I don’t really know many other solutions.

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