Behringer UMC204HD

Hi, first thanks for this great app :slight_smile:
I just got a new audio device, it’s a behringer UMC204HD but it’s really weird
The audio device shows 3 outputs the main out has a bug with windows and I can’t control volume, but I can change the EQ with fxsound. If I change the default output to another one, the windows volume slider works as expected, but whatever slider I move in fxsound makes no effect at all. does someone have this audio device and the same problem ? or a fix maybe ??
Thanks again for your app

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There’s a troubleshooting list bannered to the top of the forum with a compilation of the best tips, and out of that list, one of the first things I’d recommend trying, is changing the frequency match-up of your devices, since this is often the cause of a “no processing”-type problem.
So please run through those suggestions first, and post back with your results.

A search across the forum for Behringer returned exactly 1 result:

Thanks for your answers, the problem will quickly be solved, a friend is giving me a hardware 2x15 band EQ

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No problem.
There are a lot of product tutorials on YouTube, and you can find the Behringer UMC204HD’s manual here:

I have a Tascam us4x4 where I hear changes of the left side of the FxSound’s but not the eq. That depends on your machine. With my Roland ua24 I can hear differents of all the controllers.
Nothing to do about it so it seems !

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