Did you guys make any progress on spartial sound? I would like to get rid of dolby atmos if fxsound can provide spartial sound through speaker (like the one comes from laptop with dolby atmos)
i think this should be top priority after all these years no progress… (just feedback)
Sorry to report there has been no progress so far.
The GitHub is still in its birthing phase, and the team is still very small.
You can follow the issue here:
Duly noted, but the actual coding involved in getting the Surround Sound issue right, is much more complicated than meets the eye/ear.
I remember James posting the following,
im wondering can at some point we get in engine support for dts/dolby so someone would only need to use fxsound to feed any form of surround sound media to thare system instead of haveing to come up with thare own method with hardware it is possible but difficult to do without breaking patent laws some have made thare own versions that take a dolby / dts codec and translates theme to pcm or IEEE float so its a legal way to use dts and dolbys codecs aswell we could always just use straight lpcm /ieee float/flac/wmv we already have the option to feed a 5.1/7.1 connection to fxsound why not try to add more codecs for a wider range of support and easier setup / usage or add dolby digital live / dts connect support those two are givein to quite a few thangs like soundcards and audio extractors we would just need the software due to fxsound already haveing live encodeing i know this due to fxsound being able to feed a 5.1 signle to my system over usb and i do have true rear speakers behind my couch so it is true 5.1 surround sound and when in resident evil 2 remake it works amazing meaning fxsound dose support live encodeing if it diddnt resident evil 2 remake would only play in sterio and see a sterio signle this is due to resident evil 2s audio engine being made with object baced surround sound for 5.1-7.1-atmos and dtsx systems ( yes object baced encodeing can work on even a 5.1 system)
(updated) thats sad to hear but i hope soon we can start working on it while i dont know much about developing this kind of thang im more than willing to be a beta tester if anyone ends up trying to add dolby digital or dolby digital live encodeing to fxsound i have a optical connection at 32bits so i have high fidelty hardware that could be useful in testing if we can get better support directly from fxsound instead of haveing to use two different solutions at the same time for amazing audio qulaity