What presets do you want added to FxSound?

Anybody already thought about making the application a bit more interesting for other use cases also? So, we are in 2022, right? What about a preset for special voice cases like IP telephony, all those video call clients like Zoom and so forth? Making the app more interesting for OFFICE USE surely would not hurt, rigth? :slight_smile: Maybe this is not is core intention, but why not when it can be accomplished maybe with a bit of preset-tweaking? Could be promoted on the website also …

Aside that, what about the gamers? There a so much really bad audio tools they are offering from the manufacturers everywhere. You do have a really good one. Maybe one could even think about special features for that. And which ego shooter guy would reject some more clarity to hear where the enemy is coming from. Even a cooperation with some ahrdware manufaturers is an option and a point in the future …

I know, that is not really the beast ideas generally, but i would like FxSound to re-gain some of its former popularity and glory. And a bigger userbase always helps! The damn thing is free now and i think, James and Vijay just just deserve it for such a friendly and brave step! :slight_smile: Don’t you agree?


Thanks for the ideas, @PLEASE_DELETE.
As for myself, how’s about PsyTrance and ChillOut presets?
I’ve already made my own, but I’m just throwing the ideas out there.

Yes, I definitely do, and I know many others hold the same opinion. The decision to make FxSound free is absolutely laudable. :heart_eyes:

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Here’s mine I used the Sony’s Home Audio System as a model. Although it wasn’t exactly a 1:1 replica. This is designed to be used with a loudspeaker and not for headphones. Presets includes for music, movie watching and one for gaming.

Download the file and import the preset to your fxsound.


When do you think we will have some more? I’m waiting for it!!!

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@ All: Just gonna share this thread here briefly…

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Some more ides:


A request for a Concert Effect preset,

DnB ; Techno ; Tekk


Hi to all.

I’m using “light processing”, because it isn’t too fare to neutrality, but enhanced to the good level, for me.

Thanks to programmers!
