November 10, 2024, 7:00pm
If I walk away from my PC and the monitor sleeps then FXSound/PC sound has to have their outputs reset to where I want them which is usually a DAC. It’s not a biggie given everything FXsound brings for little $, but it frustrates all the same after a glas or six of wine. Ideas please.
PS: Doesn’t help that Im blind and rely on navigation and accessibly aids make the process far harder,
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Hello Thomas;
Ideas please.
This is the main issue on Sleep Mode,
opened 10:54PM - 13 Dec 23 UTC
Multiple forum members have complained about issues with FxSound while the Displ… ay is Off or the machine is in Sleep Mode a.k.a. Standby Mode.
When the Display is turned Off or the computer goes into Sleep Mode,
1. Playback device is lost or switched;
2. The audio lags or glitches;
3. CPU/GPU/RAM usage intensifies;
4. Battery drain intensifies.
**1. Playback device is lost or switched**
Possible cause(s):
Usually due to lack of support for modern standby power states (S0 low-power idle).
Possible solution(s):
1. Disable all unneeded devices including hidden ones in Windows Sound Settings;
2. Disable automatic switching in the General tab of FxSound's Settings;
3. Change the Power settings to make the computer/display stay on longer;
4. Check if your computer supports modern standby power states (S0 low-power idle) by running this command:
powercfg /a
5. This workaround suggested by forum member metanoiance:
Using Notepad, I made a text file with the following lines, and saved it as .bat:
taskkill /f /im FxSound.exe
cd C:\Program Files\FxSound LLC\FxSound
start /min FxSound.exe
Then I used the default Windows Task Scheduler to run the file on wake-up. Meaning every time the PC wakes up from sleep or hibernation, the FxSound.exe will be restarted.
Note that the second line in the .bat file can differ depending on where you installed FxSound.
**2. The audio lags or glitches**
Possible cause(s):
HDMI monitor audio has proven to be prone to glitches, even without FxSound.
Possible solution(s):
1. See solution 1. above,
2. See solution 2. above,
3. Free up space on C:\ drive,
4. Install the latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology drivers (for Intel users),
5. Run a scan with [LatencyMon](https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon) for possible latency issues on the machine.
**3. CPU/GPU/RAM usage intensifies**
Possible cause(s)/solution(s):
**4. Battery drain intensifies**
Possible cause(s)/solution(s):
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You can find the main GitHub issue about using FxSound with a screen reader linked at the bottom of this post.
Although it has not been updated yet, most of the remaining problems - probably all of them, if I remember correctly - have been solved in the meantime.
[…] Thanks to efforts made by @bvijay74 , a number of helpful steps have already been taken to improve the experience of FxSound for users with visibility issues, who are combining FxSound with screen readers like NVDA, JAWS, and Windows Narrator:
Improved access to the “Save New Preset” dialog box;
Manual access to the Effects sliders, the EQ bands and the EQ frequency settings via the TAB key;
Manual control of the Effects sliders, the EQ bands and the EQ frequency settings via the arrow keys.
opened 10:55PM - 05 Dec 23 UTC
Firstly, it's worth mentioning that thanks to efforts made by @bvijay74, a numbe… r of helpful steps have already been taken to improve the experience of FxSound for users with visibility issues, who are combining FxSound with screen readers like NVDA, JAWS, and Windows Narrator:
1. Improved access to the "Save New Preset" dialog box;
2. Manual access to the Effects sliders, the EQ bands and the EQ frequency settings via the TAB key;
3. Manual control of the Effects sliders, the EQ bands and the EQ frequency settings via the arrow keys.
@MesterPerfect reported the following remaining issues while using FxSound v1.1.20.0 with a screen reader:
1. The inability to access any of the buttons on the top right of the UI through the TAB key (the "Donate" link, the Power button, the Settings menu, the Resize arrows, and the x/Close button);
2. The inability to properly use the "Import/Export Presets" dialog box, due to the inability to recognize the names of files and folders;
3. While the ability exists to access all tabs in the Settings menu (General, Help, and Donate), the inability to access any items within the General tab remains (i.e.: the buttons to change the language, as well as the "Automatically switch to newly connected output device," "Hide help tips for audio controls" and "Disable keyboard shortcuts" selection boxes).
November 11, 2024, 11:14am
Thank you that quickly resolved the issue. In the past I would RTFM, but sight challenges make that much harder.