Feature Request: Auto Switch Preset when Connected to Certain Devices

As I mentioned on my previous request, I use multiple bluetooth devices. (Speaker and 2 Headsets). I made my own presets for each one of them and every time I connect them I need to change everything manually. If you could add this option that would be great.
Thank you for your work


Hello again Ensar,
This request is also a popular one, so I’ve added it to the existing thread as well. :upside_down_face:

Great idea, I wish I could have something similar to this.

I use FxSound specifically to make my monitor speakers sound better, but it’s not needed when I’m using my headphones.

So it would be great to have the option to auto enable/disable FxSound depending on the currently selected default device.

I really appreciate the effort of you all to make this app.

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Link to the main thread on automatic switching:

Link to the feature request on GitHub:

Thanks; it’s always nice to be appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face: :love_letter:
