FxSound not working!

Hello! My FxSound was working properly until 1 day ago, but suddenly FxSound stopped working even when turned on. I’ve tried everything to fix this error, but nothing has made the sound come back. The FxSound animation of sound waves that shows it is recognizing sound no longer appears. Even the power button turned on doesn’t change anything. For God’s sake help me! This app is too good for me to live without.

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Hi Herik,
What’s your Windows version?
Do you have the latest version of FxSound installed (available on fxsound.com)?
Some quick first troubleshooting tips:
Robotic and bass boosted sound after Windows 11 update - #2 by doolhoofd

First check:
The output device in the program;
The “default” output device in the system;
Volume levels and “silent” in Windows settings, incl. mixer.

If this does not help, then restart the PC and check for problems without starting the program and after starting it.

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Hi doolhoofd!
My windows version is 10.
Yes, my version of fxsound is the last one.

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Guys, thanks for the help, my fxsound is working again. :slight_smile:

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Thanks again, @Dolmatov! :+1:

hi there
my fxsound is not loading at all like it says there is an error i have checked my firewall and windows audio linking and there is no issues i have also tried deleteing it and reinstaalling it with no avail
pls help
thanks in advance

When you say FxSound is not loading do you mean you can’t open the app?