Adding a sound test button

How about a tone test loop button and a panel of selectable channels. Windows being Windows testing at each step is always good.

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For that i just start an mp3 or video. For me there’s no reason to add a separate button.


I’m with @Cineatic on this one, but thanks for the recommendation.

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FXSound has been a game changer for my ever-growing virtual meeting life.
I use it to switch between desk speakers and earbuds, and when I’m frantically trying to join a meeting, having an easy and fast way for FXSound (comfortingly in my system tray) to confirm my sound output would be great.
Yes, most virtual meeting apps have a “play sound” link, but its buried and in different locations depending on the app.

Glad you like it! Sorry but I think this is too niche of a feature to add to the UI.