I work with audio and I really like the app. I’ve been using it as a study tool and I have a few suggestions:
The spectrum analyzer could be kept visible in the interface all the time because I like to compare the before and after. However, every time I turn it off, the analyzer disappears just when I want to restart the processing, and I end up clicking on something else in another open window.
I’m bothered by the size of the app. I think besides the option to minimize, there could be a resizing option as well.
Volume controls (input and output) would be very useful to avoid distortions.
It would be great to have an option that equalizes the volumes, especially for comparing the before and after.
Good afternoon Luís,
Those are all helpful ideas; thank you.
There are currently plans to redesign the app layout, and I added your suggestions to the discussion.
FxSound is missing Title and do not have unique window info. I am talking about the windows-process which fx. can be viewed with the “AutoIt Windows Info”-program. That makes it hard to move the FxSound-window at startup. Please add a Title to the program/executable.
@Shepard-N7 on making the EQ and visualizer the same length, I’m thinking we could move the preset and output device selection to fill the space that would be opened when aligning the visualizer with where the equalizer is now width-wise.
And best when coupled with an option of bar type visualizer, the one that found on old school Hi Fi. Imagine how nice it looks when aligned with the EQ below. Killer EQ app!
Why just ON / OFF for volume normalizer? It should be a slider like in Creative X-Fi panels. During night you can max it out so you can hear all details in movie soundtracks or games without waking neighbours up.