Bonus presets designed by the lead audio engineer cannot be downloaded

Bonus presets designed by the lead audio engineer cannot be downloaded

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That’s odd; I’ve tested them, and they seem to be downloading just fine… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Maybe it’s your antivirus, or a browser extention that’s blocking your downloads?
Just to be clear: you’re trying to download these, right?

I am in China and cannot download these presets. Could you please send them to my email address:,thanks

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No problem.
The Bonus Presets have been sent to your address.

Thank you very much. Wish you a happy life and smooth work

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I’m in China too and Could you please send me too? Thank you very much! my email address is:

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Sure, no problem.
I just sent them.

لطفا امکانش هست تمام فرمت های fac از اکولایزر لازم را برام ارسال کنید خیلی مچکر

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Sure. Coming right up!

By the way, for future reference:


ضمناً برای مراجعات بعدی:

We are working on the fix for the bonus preset download issue in some regions. In the interim the bonus presets can be downloaded from fxsound-app/bin/BonusPresets at main · fxsound2/fxsound-app · GitHub


In GitHub use this option to download a preset file

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I have a question, how does one know when the presets have been updated as in newer versions or new presets?

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If you’re talking about the Bonus Presets specifically; I think those have remained the same since their conception. And the factory-preloaded ones as well - with the exception of the Default (zero-processing) Preset, which was newly added to the most recently released update, v1.1.22.0 (available as always on

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@doolhoofd - Thanks for the fast response. Yes, I am referring to the ones one would download since there are no version numbers for the preset and one would not know if they were updated unless it is mentioned somewhere with a changelog on the page if any were updated. Obviously, what is included in FxSound itself cannot be downloaded separately anyways.

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I’ve looked up and downloaded all versions of the Bonus Presets I had saved on my drive and could find online, imported them into my interface, checked them one by one, and all are exactly the same.